Case Study

Reducing a $25M Warranty Claim by 50%!

The Problem:

An OEM demanded $25 million from a Tier 1 supplier, citing warranty failures in sunroof assemblies

Supplier Response:

  • The supplier attempted to challenge the chargeback but was unsuccessful.
  • To avoid losing future business, the supplier sought insurance coverage.


NovaVantage's Solution

Conduct failure validation – proving parts met design specifications

Challenge over-repair costs – Found that OEM repair procedures inflated warranty costs unnecessarily.

Uncover OEM responsibility gaps – shifting liability away from the supplier.

Tremendous toolset based on data and expert knowledge to reduce costs

NovaVantage's Impact

The total warranty claim can be proven to be reduced from $25M to $12.5M.

The case set a precedent for future technical claim negotiations.

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While very case is different, there are many similarities where we can help identifiy excess cost, mitigate risk and help negotiate reduced warranty claims.

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Ready to Reduce Your Warranty and Recall Costs?

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